"I know it will come true now!"

Sunday, February 22, 2015

These were the words uttered by my four year old after he drew a picture of our house with only him and me in it.
He wanted everyone to be gone and me to "babysit" him. Ouch. Does someone need a bit of one on one?

So now,  I plan to really focus on him while Gabe naps today, and next weekend Daddy and Gabe are going to Bass Pro while Liam and I will spend time together. Alone.

MVI 7195

Monday, February 16, 2015

Today's Agenda

The boys have already been outside. I still have mounds of laundry to do. I need to color my grey roots. I am simmering chicken bone broth on the stove. It will simmer all day, then I'll remove the bones and add yesterdays chicken meat and veggies to it. Maybe some noodles and/or dumplings. Rice? Either way, it will smell great, although the taste is just okay. Perhaps I can get Taryn to make some homemade biscuits. I suppose I will read. The house was neat when we awoke, but two l ittle boys have rapidly done their magic, and neat it is no longer.

Currently I am reading two books:

The Opposite of Loneliness


I Shall Not Want

I think I Shall Not Want is the second to last book in this mass-market mystery series. It's a strange thing to like. I enjoy trying to "figure it out" and the romance, but I don't care for the characters at all. They are shallow and common, and the chief is very ISTJ, in my opinion. Blech. But I read them anyway. I don't know what the priest would be ESFP? I don't know. She isn't that interesting.

Finally, it's Snow!

Really, aside from a quick dusting here and there, this has been a dry winter. So the boys were up and out the door by 7:15 a.m. to play. Actually, they were up before six, when Liam, accompanied by his very strong vocal cords, determined it was time for me to get up.