Buying a House

Sunday, March 22, 2015

We are thinking of trying to buy a house again. We tried 3 years ago, when I was pregnant with Gabe. I didn't think it would happen, but we went through the process, and then a month before closing (a month after making the offer). Bam. No go. So. I am scared. Money is my weak spot, and an area that just makes me tense and nervous and sick. And I am not pretty enough for a rich, Prince Charming apparently (although Karl Evans isn't so bad;o)). So. I . am. scared. Being human, disappointment isn't a feeling I desire. In fact, it's about the worst feeling, isn't it?

We are doing our final credit score checks, before we head to the bank so they can do their own "real" checks.

Last time, we were told we were denied because with income based repayment on my student loans I didn't have to pay anything. They said if it says zero, then they will take the full amount. Although I still owe zero, I have been claiming one less dependent to mohela in order to have to make payments. But I just redid it, and it's zero again. So I have to send a new form in quick, because they put it in forbearance without my permission, so I can owe zero. But supposedly that is what hurt us. We'll find out.
And even if that is okay, apparently banks just aren't approving many people right now.

so I am going to chin up, find the strength (really, I just need to disengage emotionally, I guess), and go through the steps. If it doesn't happen..we'll maybe in another three years.

Gabriel's speech and language therapy

Friday, March 13, 2015

When Gabe turns three in August he will no longer qualify for First Steps. We are in the process of having him evaluated to see if he is eligible to receive services through the public schools. He has improved so much, the lady doing the evaluation didn't even give him the extra speech screening. It wasn't until she was scoring the test and reading through my surveys that she realized he was in First Steps. She then asked why, and after I told her for speech and language, she took him back to test him again. Then she said she would go ahead and give him a referral for further testing with Shining Stars. So even if he doesn't qualify (which is okay, because his daycare will not let a therapist in for some reason), he must not be too far off target.

His DIAL screening was great: 94th percentile overall. He scored 99 on concepts. I am sure it is from the preschool and the one-on-one time with the play therapist. It's weird though, because Liam's DIAL screening was so poor, but Liam appears to know so much. I know the screening is just looking for possible problems, but the lady who screened Liam actually suggested seeing if he qualified for The Wonder Years. I guess I am feeling like it's an intellectual slam on him, but his true issues lie in motor control. He did score below average in language, which blew me away, because he has known letters and their sounds for quite a while. I am not really concerned with his intellect, but I am concerned with his ability to conform to expectations. I guess I worry too much. It's just if an outsider is seeing something different, then he might start viewing himself as different. He is already self-conscious of his body and says he needs to lose weight. I don't want him worrying about his mind. His teacher said he is quite smart, but what good is it, if he doesn't SHOW it? Eh, I don't know. I probably just need to focus on his motor skills and let his teachers worry about his academic pursuits. I don't think he will have problems learning, just cooperating. He is quite a stinker. But his preschool teacher said his behavior is in line with other boys his age, so am probably just worrying over nothing. I don't know why I  worry over him so much. It probably doesn't help that Gabe is quite compliant, and even apologizes when he misbehaves. Gabe is pure sweetness (with a bit of sibling rivalry with Liam, thrown in).

Anyhoo, Gabe will get further testing for S and L, and I woke up too early (not for any reason, just that Gabe came in my room).

Funny thing, Gabe's reported self-help score was 1%. I guess we aren't letting him do as much as other kids are doing. He isn't potty-trained either. He was getting there, but I just got tired of pee all over everything and decided to wait until summer. Plus it just isn't the point of pride that it was when I was younger. Who cares?