
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

With a bit of hope, I filled out a job application and mailed it off. I did a couple online, I searched through jobs to see what else I could apply for, and started. What looked like a great job was too far away. An hour is a long way to drive. But then I thought of my certification running out in 2014, and I felt that I had to something. Working won't really even net us more money. But I feel that now or never feeling. I have spent two years not teaching, if I don't get a job this year, I don't think it will happen.

Being home isn't all bad, although it's been a bit stressful lately, I don't like depending on someone else. I like subbing, but I am really just a babysitter when I sub. I don't know. I had a nice long list of things to write about, but Gabe, the boy must powernap, because he never sleeps long, is crying.

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