So August

Monday, June 17, 2013

In August, I will start my new job. Part of me wants to pull out of the deal, and just stick with parttime subbing, but I know for our own security, we need my income. As it stands now, Tierney is going to watch the kids for $10 an hour, from about 7-11 or so in the mornings, and then Karl will get up. Plus in the afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday when Karl has classes.

Karl is wanting to go to a day schedule as soon as possible, but it's hard to say how that is going to work out with classes and Tierney. The school I am going to is rather low-paying, and we won't be able to afford regular fulltime daycare for the little boys, and I want to avoid finding someone on Craigslist for as long as possible.

I am heartbroken at leaving them, of course, but excited to be doing elementary special ed. It will be a whole new challenge. I have a lot to learn-when I did middle school special ed, the kids were sent to me in regular 55 minute classes. Now I will have to get with the teachers and schedule the time they come. Ideally, I will be able to work my own "classes" so I can work with the kids who are in there on  one thing, but we'll see. I also think I may have to learn to test them for services. I have given an series of tests before for a  class, but it's been a long time. I'll learn, I suppose. I just hope I can make it a fun  and safe place where students who need extra help are really able to make progress and enjoy it.

I could say so much more, but...the boys are all over me today!

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