Still Waiting

Monday, May 4, 2015

We have to provide some more information. This makes sense, since we closed a CD and put it in the bank account to pay bills down. However on our statements and online it just says, "Deposit." We are unable to show where it came from. The bank wrote in the CD and the number of the CD and notorized it, but was unable to print something that said it was from a CD. Hopefully that will work. Now that we are getting closer to closing date, I am getting a little nervous. It's only 2.5 weeks away, and we aren't sure yet?

I also let Taryn look in the windows and drove Caleb by, so I feel like more people would be involved if it results in a disappointment.

I am trying to be all zen about it, you know, "If it's meant to be it will be. Otherwise, something better is waiting."

But the law on student loans and home loans is changing supposedly (and it's not in my favor-if it does it will hurt the market), and I am  up at 3 a.m. stressing, so I don't know how well the zen thing is working.

And I feel sick. 

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