Cold October

Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 3

Let's see what I can remember now.

It was 14 days past his due date-the longest I was "allowed" to go with the Midwifery program at Malcolm Grow Hospital, which I think was on Andrews AFB. We dropped Tierney off with some friends, and went in for the induction. They started the pitocin around ten. Naturally I was determined to go without pain relief, but by early afternoon I was done. I think I was starting to go into transition when the handsome red-haired anesthesiologist came in. I was naked and uncaring, which struck me as funny, because I am modest. I was having double and sometimes triple peaking contractions, hot and cold. I should have held off, but that is hindsight. It was around three when I got the epidural. I bit my ex-husband a couple times. I wanted to jump out the window, I was in so much pain, but we were on the first floor. My ex was infatuated with a girl named "Brittany" he'd met on the computer, so he wasn't a lot of comfort for me, but at least he was a familiar face, and you know, the dad, hahah. It's all good, now.

Caleb's heart rate started to drop, and the midwife got nervous. I think she called in the doctor to supervise. I tried different positions, and finally, they used the vacuum suction thing (sorry, this is an OLD memory) to get him out quicker. I remember saying, "He is so little!" and everyone laughing.
He was nearly ten pounds of sweetness. He was born at four or four-thirty. He had to go back to the hospital a few days later for jaundice treatment. It was so cold then. They were remodeling the pediatrics floor and one side was open or something and a cold spell hit. But his room was warm.
Memories are so dim now. Just a smell, a warmth, a rush of cool air. Nursing a new, sweet baby. Love. Tierney's jealousy.

Autumn. That's Caleb.

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