Terrific Tuesday

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Well, I think I will use Tuesday to talk about something terrific in my life. It'll be a nice way to take time to count my blessings.

And I have to say, what is terrific is: being a teacher in summer.
Although I don't get to sleep in, since Karl's alarm goes off at 5 a.m. (and today Gabe's went off much earlier, apparently), it is just so darned nice to have nothing to do.
I enjoy taking my time getting dressed. Liam is going to preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays mornings from 9 to 12:30, and we can just get dressed leisurely (he loves preschool).

Gabe is learning to communicate. He still doesn't talk much, but we are learning to read his signs. When he doesn't want something we hear and emphatic "NO!", which sounds like "OH!" but the meaning is clear. When we finally hit on what he wants, be it juice, an egg or a the correct Netflix show, he smiles and claps his hands. So...he's getting there, I suppose. He appears to struggle with initial consonants, which is interesting.

Today will be busier. Liam has baseball school, called Pop flys, where I guess they teach 3 and 4 year olds something or other. I messed up, it started last week, so he missed the first of four lessons, but we will make it today. And almost simultaneously, Taryn has a mandatory parent band meeting. Isn't that how it works?


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