Snapshots of Life

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just a few pictures of our pretty day (and the steps a couple days ago).

It's turning into a day already.

Taryn didn't sleep much, but made it out the door, and missed the bus. I told her she needed to get going, but she just doesn't learn that her bus in unpredictable and she needs to be early. Since her back is hurting so bad (she says it feels like a chinese throwing star digging in at her lower and upper back-I guess from the scoliosis), I went ahead and called in to her school-as oppose to getting everyone up and dressed. Liam was refusing to get dressed.
I didn't clean the kitchen last night. I ran the dishwasher, but there was still a sinkload and I ignored it, and it's a mess. Caleb and Tierney didn't do their chores. Taryn didn't do hers. The same kids that say, "I KNOW, Mom" when I nag them to do them, ignored them when I didn't. Liam is cranky.
I stupidly didn't put a lid on Liam's water/orange/carrot juice mix, so of course, he spilled some on the couch.
I had some coffee beans in big bowls for sensory play for Liam (and to freshen the house), and he started throwing them on the floor first thing today. Arg.

I MUST get Liam out to play in the snow before it's gone, but at this rate, I just want to go to bed. At least Gabe is still sleeping (he woke four times last night!).


Jill (who really does like the pretty snow)

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