This is not who I am

Saturday, September 28, 2013

But overall, it's a heck of a lot easier.
My job is fairly easy. This is mostly due to the natural compliance of most elementary school students, and having a very intelligent, hard-working, dedicated para. I am lucky. As a special ed teacher, I don't expect spectacular behavior, just the willingness to get back on track when redirected for the 25th time that day (or hour). After all, I am expected to teach "the Common Core", too, even though I am part of the marginalized "special" teachers at this school.

It's so much easier to just wave bye-bye at 6:30 a.m. and skip off to my job (or rather carpool the long hour to get to the small town with suspect water). It's easier to let someone else deal with the nitty gritty of raising two little boys-the dirt, the mess, the screaming, the shrieking noises, the meals, the carseats). It's easier to not have to deal with the mess of the house until five or so.

But my purpose in life has been left in the dust... Sometimes I hear it calling, but I when I search around only the noise of daily life is there.

Guess I am just your every day average American, living on credit (we still need student loans to pay childcare costs) and and self-soothing with television.

I don't even know how I feel about that. Numbness ain't that bad, folks:o)!

Actually, I had sooooo much more to say, but edited it, because frankly, feelings are fleeting and what pulls today, abandons tomorrow.

Happy Saturday! Now that I realized I actually don't have money for craft fairs and shopping, I am not quite sure what to do today.. Park? I should work on my master's crap. Yeah, I don't think so either. That's what the last minute is FOR, right?;o).

Cider Days

Saturday, September 21, 2013

So yeah, there is a good side to working fulltime...getting the (small, oh so very very small) paycheck.

The girls and little boys and I went to Cider Days, which was...okay, and then we tried Cecil's, a little drive up thing in a parking lot on Glenstone...Then we went shopping for Taryn's homecoming dress, but I had to sit out in the car with Liam:o(.

Tierney waits for her food at Cecil's..It was good!

Gabe just needs to make a quick business call before lunch.

The Raven

Liam has a little cider at Cider Days


Gabe really liked the skirts!

Taryn picked out a new headband.

Not only did I not get to help her pick it out, but I have PT conferences the night she is going:o(.

Dear facebook friends

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I just wanted to say sorry for all the flipflopping, emotional, neurotic crap I write here. I know it's frustrating. I keep forgetting that constant rehashing won't lead me to t h e right answer. But, what can. I do but go from here and try harder?

Have a great start to September.  Autumn is coming!